Cryptocurrency investment strategy on autopilot.

Other sites let you buy cryptocurrency. We help you invest in it. Venosmarket simplifies the trading experience by making it possible to manage your portfolio without interfacing directly with exchanges.
Set your strategy, we take care of the rest.

From zero crypto knowledge to full-fledged crypto investor in minutes, all in one place.

Set up your account

Register for a Venosmarket account and connect it to your personal  account. We care about your safety. All user data is encrypted and we never have permission to sensitive actions like withdrawal.

Just few controls, all in one place.

Investment strategy made as easy as only a few clicks to put your crypto investment in autopilot.

Portfolio allocation and diversification

Diversifying your assets across various subclasses is key to mitigating risk.

Secured Profits

When you hit 10% profits, we will both notify you immediately and secure those profits for your withdrawal.

Portfolio Rebalancing

You can set the frequency to periodically rebalance your portfolio to ensure that it fits your original asset allocation preferences and risk profile.

Stop-Loss & Recovery

Venosmarket allows you to choose a level of risk with which you’re comfortable.